1. Who is Sephiroth's Father? 2. Name all of the people in the Turks. 3. Name all of the AVALANCHE members. (before Cloud). 4. Who is Barret's only love? 5. Where do you first see the Turks? 6. Where are Zach's parents located? 7. How do you get Aeris's Level 4 limit? 8. Who is driving the Truck in the Chase scene when escaping from Midgar?(Hint: It isnt Red XIII and its not Cloud) 9. How many Summons are there?(not including the master summon) 10. Have you signed my guestbook yet? 11. Where do you find Tifa's best weapon? 12. How old is Cloud when he joins SOLDIER? 13. Who Gives Cloud Shiva Materia? 14. Who is the first character you see in the game? 15. Who gave Aeris her White Materia? 16. What is the expected time of arrival in Sector 7, the Train Graveyard, after Sector 1 is destroyed by AVALANCHE? 17. What is the price for being Aeris's bodyguard? |