Chocobo Guide
This page will have information on how to get the Golden Chocobo.


The chocobo is a mystical creature that is used to travel faster than when on foot. also the chocobo is used to avoid enemies when they are many.
The chocobo is essential to the true defeat of the game. Without the Golden Chocobo it is impossible to get Knights Of The Round Summon Materia. The Golden Chocobo can be gotten several different ways. The most common way is to get the Blue then the Green Chocobos and mate them and produce a Black Chocobo. After you have the Black Chocobo you need to get a Wonderful Chocobo and mate it with him/her. This will give you a Golden Chocobo.
The Blue and Green Chocobos can be gotten two different ways. they can be gotten by mating two walking chocobos with each other, and by mating two running chocobos with each other. this way will work but my way is just as good. If you get one of both and gain them to A class in the chocobo races, then mate them using a Carob Nut you will get either a Blue or Green one. Then go and save it. The next time you can mate the Good and Great chocobo go to the Ranch and save it immediately outside. After you save it, go inside and mate them using the same nut. You will either get a Green Chocobo or a Blue Chocobo. If it is the opposite color of the one before then check its sex. If it is the opposite sex also then go outside and save it again. If not reset it and try again. Keep trying until you find the correct combination. Once you have one of both you can create a Black Chocobo. You need to race the chocobos until they are at A class then go to the rance and mate the Green and Blue Chocobo using the same Carob Nut. *Remember* save it before you enter just in case it is not the desired result. After you have the Black Chocobo you need to find a Zeio Nut. This is the only way to get the Golden Chocobo. You need to race the Black and Wonderful Chocobo until they are at S class. Go to the ranch and save it once more. go inside and prepare to mate the Wonderful and Black Chocobo. Using the Zeio Nut, mate them and hope for a Golden Chocobo. The Chocobo should be blinking this will confirm the birth of a golden chocobo. You are now prepared to search the world with ease and enjoyment.
You can find the great chocobo on the small island of mideel. Mideel is the southern most island where cloud is found after the first time you enter the north crater. The good chocobo can be found near Corel. This is where Barret lives and the area where the Colosseum is found. The final chocobo you need, the wonderful chocobo, can be found in the snow area near the area where you use the snow board.
The nuts you need are the carob nut and the zeio nut. The carob nut can be gotten from the dragon-like creature in the icicle area. You have to steal from it and you will get a carob nut. You can also get a carob nut from the woman who sells things for gp in the colosseum. The zeio nut can be stolen from goblins on goblin island. The zeio nut can only be gotten from the goblins.
Defeating The Weapons
The Weapons are difficult to beat but with some luck and skill it can be done. If you have a Golden Chocobo it is much easier to do. Also, the higher your level, the easier it is to beat them. I was on level 80 and had the Golden Chocobo when I first did this. It can be done on a lower level and without the Golden Chocobo. For Emerald Weapon you need to have at least 2 Mime Materia (but preferably 3) all on master. Also, Final Attack is needed, level 3 or better, and Phoenix is needed (attached to Finall Attack and on level 3 or better). With these three it can be done. If you cannot accomplish it with these then Knights of the Round will help. If you use Knights of the Round with the first player and then mime him with the others you will attack with 39 attacks which range from 6500 to 9999 in attack power. Keep in mind that Emerald Weapon has 1000000 HP. If this can be used before he transforms then you can take care of him easily. If he brings his arms up then it will take a little more because his next attacks will replenish him and decrease your MP. Use Turbo Ethers or Elixers to help Cure yourself. While still using Knights of the Round. If you do this right, it will almost kill him. He will use his major attack after his arms have been destroyed, this will immediately kill the person it is used on. If it is not used on the person with Final Attack equipped then use a Pheonix Down. If it does kill the one with Final Attack equipped, then your party will be revived. This is when you continue the Knights of the Round. After 2 more rounds, he should be dead. This is the easier of the 2 optional Weapons.
The Ruby Weapon is not quite as easy to defeat as the Emerald Weapon. You need to have at least 2 Mime Materias on master. Also, Final Attack equipped with Phoenix is necessary. Also, Hades or about 20 tazers is a must. Also W-Magic is good to have. If you have all of these then you are set to beat him. First thing needed when entering the battle is everyone dead but the person with Phoenix and Final Attack equipped. Wait for Ruby Weapon to finish attacking you, then have the person with Hades to attack Ruby. This will stop Ruby. This is where you attack Ruby Weapon. Do not use Knights of the Round much because of the amount of time it takes to use. If you use it and he comes back from his sleep then he will attack you with Ultima. Unless you are lucky and Final Attack works more than once in the battle, you will not survive this attack. I used Bahamut ZERO and Typhoon and Mimed them. You can use what ever your strongest Materia is. Try different combinations. Also if you have Shadow Flare Enemy Skill use it. It will take up about 7000 to 8000 HP. If you keep Ruby frozen from the tazers or Hades, then you should be able to beat him easily. If the hands are killing you, then use Hades on them once and they will stop, then continue with Ruby. This is how I beat Ruby and Emerald Weapons. Also if you are having trouble with Ultimate Weapon then you need to try using all of your limits on it. Make sure you have the Ultimate Weapon still then gain your limits. Then use them on him and he will move quickly. On the last battle, make sure you have Enemy Skill equipped on the person who you expect to kill him. This is needed because he uses Shadow Flare, which is a very strong magic. Also you will then be able to get to The Frog Forest. This is where you get the Triple Growth Weapon for Cloud.